Translation and Commentary of Abdurrahmân Câmî’s “Kasîde-i Ferîde”
Mehmed Tevfîk Efendi, prominent scholar of 19th
century and Shayh of Nakşi-Mawlavi annotated 9 kasidahs
from Fâtihatü’ş-şebâb, the first dîvan of Abdurrahmân
Câmî and 10 gazels rhymed with “alef” and combined
them in a book that he titled Şerh-i Kasâid-i Câmî (Neş’e).
Tevfîk Efendi, could not complete his commentary
probably because of his early death. Mehmed Kemaleddin
Efendi, a prominent scholar and mufti of Harput,
translated one of the kasidas in this collection called the
kasidah of “lâmiyye” which includes religious and ethical
admonitions and published it in the journal of Beyânü’l-
Hak. In this essay we latinize this kasidah together with its
translation and commentary, annoted with necessary
information derived from the sources utilezed by both the
commentator and the translator; and thus introduce such
a beautiful example of the Ottoman literature of
commentaries to the service of shcolarship.
Abdurrahmân Câmî, Tevfîk Efendi, Kemâleddin Harputî, Kasîde-i Ferîde.