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Sulhi's Poetic Pilgrimage Menâzilnâme
Ottoman Empire made the camel trains up in order to pilgrimage which is one of Islam's five pillars, and determined the travel direction. Some of Ottoman highbrowed people transformed their impressions about the pilgrim's journey into a work and some of them transformed the knowledge about the worship of pilgrimage or the ranges into a work. The works which narrate the ranges at the direction of pilgrimage are named as "menâzilnâme". There are many menâzilnâmes connected with Turkish literature. One of them belongs to an artist with the nickname, Sulhi. Our biographic resources informs that a muslim judge-mudarris with the name "Kâsımzâde Salih Mehmed Efendi" who died in Safer 1070 (October-November 1659) campaign wrote poetries with the nickname, Sulhî. However, there isn't knowledge which will confirm the relevant menâzilnâme's belongingness to Kâsımzâde. The work which consists of 68 couplets was written as a masnavi. It gives the impression of not being enough as there aren't the sections in the property of introduction and as it includes only Sam-Hejaz stage of Istanbul-Hejaz direction. It is understood that it was written by a skillful poet as it doesn't include the prosody and rime-repeated voice faults. As it was written in order to inform those who will pilgrimage about the places that they will visit, it has got a plain and understandable language and wording. This work which has weaknesses in terms of idioms and literary arts involves a few Turkish archaic words and accretion. Sulhi's poetic pilgrimage menâzilnâme will be introduced in this article, the points which are determined as a result of the form and content review for the work will be shared and the commented text which is done with the comparison of two current manuscript copies will be presented to the science world.

Sulhî, menâzilnâme, masnavi, pilgrimage.

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