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A work thought to be belonging to Osman Salâhaddin el-Mevlevî: Translation of Nesrü’l-leâlî (Pearl Coins)
A Mevlevî House, as is known, is one of the Sufi foundations operated in 3 continents where Ottoman State ruled over from the end of the 13th century until 1925 and even after the mentioned date in some places. Yenikapı Mevlevî House, one of the well-known Mevlevî lodges, was founded in Istanbul in 1598 A.D. and survived for centuries. In this foundation, an important center for Mevlevis, Osman Salâhaddîn el-Mevlevî (1820-1887) served as sheikh for a long period. In addition to his Sufi duty, the place, which Osman Salâhaddîn, appreciated by Sultan Abdülhamîd II for his offer solving a problem in the period of the Sultan’s accession to the throne, occupied in the enlightenment path was popular among many officials and was followed closely by the governance. In scientific publications of the last quarter-century there is detailed information about the life of Osman Salâhaddîn Efendi and results of the researches on some of his books has been put forward. It is known that he translated an Ahdnâme belonging to Caliph Ali into Turkish in 1879 A.D. for Mehmed Reşad, Sultan’s son. In the same year, another work thought to be made by Salâhaddin el-Mevlevî is the translation of 296 Arabic aphorisms into Turkish. This booklet is the translation of a collection, known as “Nesrü’l-leâlî” (pearl coins), including approximately 280 sayings attributed to Caliph Ali. In this work, after a brief information about the life of Osman Salâhaddin and his works, the translation of Nesrü’l-leâlî is presented in the contemporary alphabet and in today’s Turkish.

Osman Salâhaddîn, Yenikapı Mevlevi House, Caliph Ali, Nesrü’l-lealî, translation.

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