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Goblet and Gazels With The Word “Goblet” Following The Rhyme in Divan Literature
The ‘glass’/ ‘cup’ is one of the notable elements in the world of analogies and is featured in the imagination of Divan poems. A glass is identified as a container or vessel which is used for drinking liquids, and is crafted in special shapes or from objects. The ‘glass’ is mentioned in a variety of ways in Divan poems related to decriptions of their shapes, colors, and the quality of liquids that it contains. The poets of the Divan genre usually liken the red wine glass to the lips of a beloved and remarks on intoxication. Likewise, the glass is often likened to roses, buds and tulips through its shape and colour. İt is also analogous to the sun and moon through its shine and its passing from hand to hand-like the cycle of the day. The poems, in which the glass is often used, are the odes that feature the glass as a repeated voice in Divans. The wide range of its analogous or symbolic usage in these remarkable odes are high lighted in this paper. The selection of the poetry is drawn from different centuries and is comprehensive.

Glass, divan poetry, odes, imagination, analogy.

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