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Taşlicali Yahya Bey’in “Şâh u Gedâ” with Factual Environmental and Space Dimensions Description of the Masnavi
“Şâh u Gedâ”, one of the five masnavis of Yahya Bey of Taşlıca, in addition to being a copyrighted work with local characteristics, is significant with the spatial portrayals it contains. The spaces that the protagonists are embodied and provide the realistic aspect of the study could be examined in two sections of ambient and factual dimensions. Ambient spatial portrayals provide information on the environment that the protagonist exists, while factual spatial portrayals reflect the mood of the protagonist, which we could not observe physically. Together with ambient spatial portrayals, there are spatial descriptions to reflect the mood of Gedâ, the protagonist of the masnavi. Thus, in this study, which scrutinizes the ambient and factual spatial portrayals in the Şâh u Gedâ masnavi in particular, examines spatial portrayals in classical Turkish literature in general, and space-entity relationship ontologically.

Şâh u Gedâ, Yahya Bey, masnavi, space, entity.

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