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The Evaluation of Abd Al-Qâhir Al-Jurjânî's Views About The Plagiarism in the Framework of Intertextuality
Plagiarism, the lexical meaning of which is "a claiming as one's own what really belongs to another; especially, a plagiarizing of another's composition", has its roots in the Jahiliyyah period. Plagiarism, which is examined under the name of "es-serikâtü'ş-şi'riyye" in Arabic poetry, has been a subject of discussion even after Islam. Abd al-Qâhir al-Jurjânî (d. 471 / 1078-79) included plagiarism in his work named Esrâru'l-Belâgat and became the first person to convey the plagiarism to Belaga (eloquence). He discussed plagiarism in two parts as "plagiarism of phrase" and "plagiarism of meaning" and mostly focused on "plagiarism of meaning". He divided the meaning into two types as "logical meaning" and "imaginary meaning" and evaluated the “meaning plagiarism” according to these two types. In another chapter, al-Jurjânî stated that the resemblance between poets would be in “general meanings” or “way of expressing these meanings” and explained in which case can be mentioned about originality or plagiarism. On the other hand, Khâtib al-Qazvînî (d. 739/1338) included plagiarism in Telhîsü'l-Miftâh in the "bedi’" section in which verbal arts are examined. He first divided plagiarism into two parts as "apparent" and "nonapparent ", and explained the terms "nesh and intihal", "igâre and mesh" and "ilmam and selh" under "apparent plagiarism". He discussed the nonapparent plagiarism in five parts according to the state of the plagiarized meaning. The belaga (eloquence) books written in Anatolia generally followed Telhîs.

Belaga, Abd al-Qâhir al-Jurjânî, Esrâru’l-Belâgat.

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