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Poems About The Famines In Divan Poetry
Since the beginning of history, mankind has been in constant struggle against natural disasters. From the early ages to today, natural disasters have always existed as a problem to be overcome for the human being. One of these natural disasters is famine. There have been countless famines in different parts of the world. The Ottoman Empire was one of the states that had their share of famines. The Ottoman had to deal with various problems of scarcity of food in almost every period from its foundation to its collapse. It is possible to see the famines and their negative consequences in the texts of the Ottoman poetry bearing traces of the daily life of the Ottomans. The Divan poets did not remain silent on famines, which deeply affected a large part of the society and caused them to experience great negativity, and mentioned this issue in their poems. From the 15th century to the beginning of the 20th century, there were many poetry texts written by the Divan poets, which can be considered within the kahtiyye literary genre. In this study, in order to reveal the relationship between the Divan poetry and social life, information about the famines in the Ottoman Empire was given in summary and stands as the reflection of those famines and some samples of these poems were analyzed.

Ottoman, Divan Poetry, Famine, Hunger, Literary Genre, Kahtiyye.

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