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Nile River in The Classical Turkish Literature Texts
Nile River which is a source of life and prosperity for Egypt has played a very important role in the country’s socio-cultural life during the history. Detailed information was given it the old texts about the water characteristics of Nile River, the path it follows after originating from its spring, its branches, its delta and its impact on the social life. Being the longest river in the world and the uncertainty of its originating spring location, there has been various speculations about its spring origin. Those speculations together with some religious and mythical information led to Nile River to attain holiness and mystery. Flooding of Nile River during certain periods has been vital for the people of Egypt and celebrated with special events and festivals as it has been used for irrigation since the ancient times. Ottoman poets also mention various similes and images on Nile River and especially on its rise of water in their couplets using linguistic tricks and connotations. In this work, the information obtained from various classical sources has been compiled and examined to reveal the real and observational as well as fictitious and legendary aspects of Nile River through the sample couplets selected from the classical Turkish poetry.

Classical Turkish literature, water, Egypt, Nile River, Evliya Çelebi, Seyahatnâme.

Adres :İmrahor Mahallesi, Doğancılar Cad., Nu. 81 Üsküdar/İstanbul
Telefon :0216 342 62 02 Faks :
Eposta :info@devdergisi.com

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