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Bahar, bahâriyye, Bâkî, gazel, kaside, Divan şiiri.
Bahariyyes which are about springtime are among the most popular literary genres in classical Turkish literature. The beauties of spring, the revitalization of nature, the happiness and refreshing that emerged in parallel with the renewal of nature in humans and the entertainment gatherings which are formed as a result of this, have been portrayed by using rich images and metaphors in bahâriyyes. Being considered as one of the greatest poets of classical Turkish literature, Baki also wrote poems in the literary genre of bahariyye. Contrary to most classical poets, Baki who had never written poems in tevhit, münacat and na’t genres -which are religious genres- mostly treated the subjects of love, wine, entertainment gatherings, the enjoyment of life in his works. For this reason, as its content being quite suitable for Baki’s literary persona, he has written many bahariyye poems. In this study, teşbib sections of kasides and all gazels are examined and the ones that can be considered as bahariyyes are identified and examined. The poems that resembled bahariyyes but not included in the study for various reasons are also mentioned.

Spring, bahariyye, Baki, gazel, kaside, Divan poetry.

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